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All reviews - Movies (15) - TV Shows (1)

Contagion review

Posted : 13 years, 2 months ago on 3 January 2012 07:29 (A review of Contagion)

If you are a germaphobe or a squeamish person, I will say right off the bat that you need to stay away from this movie. This film is an extremely realistic and nearly perfectly paced film about a deadly virus and the results of it. This film boasts an all star cast, all of which do a fantastic job making their characters seem likable and realistic. Not one performance stands out over the other, which is not something that every movie can say.

What director Soderbergh does is give us a feel of just how dangerous this virus is, by focusing on items people are touching, and what happens to the item shortly afterward. He forces the audiences to feel what the characters are feeling and just get a sense of fear and dread as the disease spreads rapidly. As far as the audience is concerned, this isn't a fictionalized story, it is unfolding right before our eyes.

What I really appreciate most about this film is that the film gets us a glimpse at something special. The film outlines how an epidemic like this brings out both the best and the worst in humanity. It really shows humanity in a realistic, and dark light.

This film is very scary, but it's not like the cheap "Friday the 13th" or "Exorcist" horror type scary, but it's scary in the sense that it really makes you think more about what you touch. I remember I was in the theater and I coughed, by accident, and every head turned. This film is on the same level as Jaws in terms of scariness, but whilst in Jaws all you had to do was avoid the beach, you would have to avoid touching things all together.

Is this film for everyone? Like I already said, germaphobes and squeamish people will not enjoy this film. It's a very graphic, realistic and brutal look at a disease epidemic and while to some people that would be interesting, it would make some uncomfortable, and a few people might even be bored at times by it. But I didn't get bored once watching this film. Will the film win any Oscars? Probably not, but if you like films about disease, this is the cream of the crop.

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When a Stranger Calls review

Posted : 13 years, 3 months ago on 18 December 2011 02:07 (A review of When a Stranger Calls)

I'll have to admit that despite having seen this film I have yet to see the original film that this is a remake of. As such, I'll only be reviewing this film simply based on what I saw on screen and not in comparison to the original film.

When a Stranger Calls has an intriguing premise about a teenager who is babysitting some kids and a killer stalks her and taunts her on the telephone. With a premise like this, you think the filmmakers would actually do something awesome with this, but sadly they don't.

Jill Johnson (played by Camilla Belle) is to film's credit a likable enough character that we can root for her. She's not acted particularly well, but to be fair she's not awful either. It's just a generic performance. But what do you expect when the scipt doesn't give you much of anything to do except walk down long stretches of dark hallways and react to a jump scare every 4 minutes.

And that's the film's main problem. Nothing happens. The film is mostly just build up to a fight with the bad guy. And I wouldn't mind that so much if, the buildup was interesting or if the final fight was gratifying. Some scenes in the beginning are somewhat entertaining, but others are just dull. The buildup is consisted of old jump scares that we've seen in dozens of other horror films. I personally can't say that I didn't find the final fight entertaining, but if you're going to have most of the movie do buildup, you better do the final fight right. Make it longer, make it more gratifying. As is the fight is entertaining, but it definately could've been improved and thus is a letdown.

If the film was to be improved, they should've had a more definative relationship between the killer and Jill. Have them play cat and mouse, maybe have us see what the killer is doing. Instead we get tired horror cliches to a disappointing climax. The ending is also very unsatisfying on every conceivable level. I won't spoil it, but I could think of dozens of endings that would've been better than the one they picked.

The film isn't necessarily awful, it just seems unnecessary. If they were going to remake the film, they should've done something special. To be fair, the film could've been worse, but it could've been a heck of a lot better too.

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Zookeeper review

Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 5 November 2011 01:59 (A review of Zookeeper)

Ah, yes, the joys of watching a terrible film. Oh wait, there are no joys in watching a terrible film except for one thing; you'll never have to watch it ever again. That is the one positive thing I can about this film.

Zookeeper is a reprensible comedy, and I'm using the word comedy extremely loosely here, in which it tries to exercise mean-spiritedness, disgusting humor, cheap gags and a lame plot all in the name of family friendly entertainment.

Let's look at the film's main problem; the animals. They're not charming, not funny, and certainly not entertaining to watch. At the end of the movie, I not only wanted the animals to shut up, I wanted them to have their tongues ripped out so they wouldn't be able to speak again. The voices do not match with the species of animal that is speaking.

That's another things, even for a film that was marketed as a family film with the talking animals taking up a majority of the screentime, it's not really focused on them, it's focused more on a forced and predictable romance. And to be honest, it's hard deciding which I would rather watch. There really isn't any reason for the animals to talk at all. The scenes could've been taken out of the movie and it wouldn't have made much of a difference.

For a supposed comedy, I laughed all of twice in this entire almost 2 hour long torture. And just because I need something else to punch this film while it's down, I thought the editing and visual effects in this film were terrible. The film was filled with lots of odd and strange edits, zooms, and the animals lips moving doesn't look realistic at all, and the gorilla looks like a man in a gorilla suit. Now you could argue that this was made as a kid's film and kids will like it anyway, but in my honest opinion, kids are smarter than this film. They deserve much better than the likes of this film. With Pixar films readily availible, I find it hard to believe that any parent would put their kid through this film. Simply put, this film is a piece of monkey defecation. Stay away at all costs.

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Thor review

Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 5 November 2011 01:47 (A review of Thor)

I've always loved superhero movies, even if I'm not an avid comic book reader. That's really my sister's territory. She knows a majority of the comic book superheroes, their villains, what comic book company they came from etc. I've always enjoyed a lot of superhero films and I enjoy seeing them when they come out (with a few notable exceptions).

Thor is just awesome. Sure, it may not have a concrete plot that will redefine comic book movies as we know it, but Thor is just entertaining. The action sequences are very good, except for the first one which is really my main problem with the film. The first action scene is very dark and hard to make out, and I found myself leaning forward and squinting to try to see the action better. But the fault in this scene are more than made up for in any of the other action sequences.

I've never read the comics, like I've already said, but just as an uninformed mind, I thought the characters were solidly written. They seemed realistic enough to feel like real people, but don't seem too realistic to keep reminding you that this is, in fact a comic book movie. The acting is also very good. The guy that played Thor (I'm just too lazy to look it up right now) was perfectly cast. He looked and sounded like he could play Thor and pulled it off nicely.

With this film and Captian America watched, I'm eagerly awaiting the Avengers film coming out next summer and for the sequel to Thor that will hopefully be released in the following summer. What else can I say about Thor? As far as summer blockbuster popcorn films go, this one is just enjoyable. This is one of those films where you can turn off your brain, and at the same time not feel like it's insulting your intelligence. If you like superhero films, I think you'll like this one too.

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Just Go with It review

Posted : 13 years, 4 months ago on 5 November 2011 01:39 (A review of Just Go with It)

I don't know what it is about me, but I do have a knack for going against popular opinion when it comes to hating certain movies. I can see why people hate the films, but I myself cannot honestly say that I didn't have fun watching them. Maybe it's because they're so bad they're good or something, but nonetheless, this is one of those films.

This film is far from great, and it even gets downright weird and strange at times, but there is a certain charm from this movie that I wasn't expecting. The chemistry between Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler is actually quite good, even if it's not outstanding. Enough is there so that we can believe they're in love. The messages of the films were also pretty solid and flowed well with the story, not feeling tacked on, at least not in my opinion.

The movie's jokes are really hit and miss for me. Some of them come completely out of left field, but they are so odd that I just couldn't help but laugh at them. The jokes I didn't like were the ones that I had heard before, but overall, I felt the good jokes overshadowed the bad ones. I really don't know why I laughed at some of the jokes in this film, but I did laugh.

This is very interesting, as I understand the movie is bad, but I was entertained by it. The characters are dumb as rocks, the jokes aren't written very well, the acting is only okay, the romance is obvious and the ending is predictable, but there is something about this film that pulls me in. It's a guilty pleasure to say the least, and for that I cautiously recommend Just Go with It.

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Shoah (1985) review

Posted : 13 years, 5 months ago on 28 October 2011 03:01 (A review of Shoah (1985))

How does one review a movie such as this? Well, I'm going to try. It has been said that nobody can fully understand how horrible the Holocaust was, because we aren't experiencing it firsthand. In my personal opinion, Shoah is the closest we will ever get at understanding the horror of it. This film doesn't show any archival footage of the Holocaust or dramatizations of it, instead we just have interviews of people who witnessed it. We watch as these people try to tell their stories and as they break down and start crying. Several times, Lanzmann zoomed the camera so that we could just be immersed in the emotions of the survivors. While Schindler's List was a fantastic movie, it's still a dramiziation and consisted of actors. This movie does not. It's real life survivors, witnesses and former Nazis explaining what they saw or went through in graphic detail. Not a pleasant film to watch, but again it's not supposed to be. This is a wonderous film and I would consider it the landmark of the century in terms of filmmaking. The only problem I have with the movie is that it's too powerful, so trying to watch the movie all at once would be overwhelming. This is an absolute groundbreaking masterpiece that anybody, especially history buffs, should watch.

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