garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
A boring, dull, exercise in testing the audience's patience, which goes way beyond the breaking point, and I felt like I gained nothing from the experience.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
There are some good scenes in here, and some interesting ideas are tossed around, but as a narrative feature, the final vision is not clear, it's listless, and at the end, I just couldn't help but wonder what the point of it all was.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 26th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from the library.
What'd I Think?: Some interesting ideas, but ultimately is too listless.
My Rating: 5/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
Taut, scary, and a very intense ride, this may well be the best conventional shark attack film since the very first "Jaws" film.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 26th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: Genuinely scary, surprisingly organic, incredibly intense thriller.
My Rating: 8/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
Sometimes entertaining, but mostly a bore, this is a pure example of what happens when you throw millions of dollars at a project, and you allow the visuals drown out the story and characters.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 24th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A big budget, occasionally entertaining, mess.
My Rating: 3/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 24th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: A big budget, occasionally entertaining, mess.
My Rating: 3/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
A modern day retelling of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," this film has some good ideas, but ultimately does little with its premise, as it struggles to find an identity among the other countless retellings of the same story.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 24th
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: Netflix Instant.
What'd I Think?: Kind of dull, meandering, needless adaptation.
My Rating: 5/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 23rd
First-Time Viewing: No.
How: Online.
What'd I Think?: Niche, somewhat disjointed, but well written Hollywood satire.
My Previous Rating: 8/10
My Next Rating: 8/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 22nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: In theaters.
What'd I Think?: Very funny, clever, and original noir-esque film.
My Rating: 10/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to Films I've Seen in 2016 (June) list
When: June 22nd
First-Time Viewing: Yes.
How: DVD from my collection.
What'd I Think?: Some decent action scenes, don't save a very dull movie.
My Rating: 3/10
Other Notes: NA.
8 years, 8 months ago
garfield2710 added 1 item to 2016 Films Ranked list
Unsure of itself, and a script with no vision, this film is broadly inspired by Franz Kafka, but doesn't have the talent to make it work, the acting is subpar, and the twist ending is a cheap cop-out, with an excessively cruel ending to add salt to the wound.
8 years, 8 months ago